Un E-magazine pa inspirá, eduká, konsientisá i entretené
Un E-magazine pa inspirá, eduká, konsientisá i entretené
BIDA DI UN SIPIR. Relato di susesonan di e último añanan di prizòn na Plasa Wilhelmina i e promé añanan di prizòn na Koraal Specht [LIFE OF A PRISON GUARD. A report of the events of the last years of the prison at Plasa Wilhelmina and the first years of the prison at Koraal Specht]
Djis un Pensamentu. Kolekshon di poesia i prosa poétiko. Tomo I [Just a Thought. Poetry and poetic prose collection. Volume I]
Click on the book/CD or the link to the relevant page.
BIDA DI UN SIPIR. Relato di susesonan di e último añanan di prizòn na Plasa Wilhelmina i e promé añanan di prizòn na Koraal Specht [LIFE OF A PRISON GUARD. A report of the events of the last years of the prison at Plasa Wilhelmina and the first years of the prison at Koraal Specht]